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Emmanuel Perrotin and Coronavirus

Published on , by Pierre Naquin

His ‘small’ business never having known a crisis, the gallerist has found himself impacted – along with the rest of the art world – by the consequences of the pandemic. An interview at the dawn of a new world.

Emmanuel Perrotin in New York, 2018. "Dark Matters. Jean-Michel Othoniel" exhibition.©... Emmanuel Perrotin and Coronavirus

Emmanuel Perrotin in New York, 2018. "Dark Matters. Jean-Michel Othoniel" exhibition.

Young French gallerists dream of the success and romanticism of Perrotin’s story. Sailing from triumph to triumph, always ahead of his competitors, Emmanuel Perrotin has made Paris a capital of contemporary art since 1990. With the art market ground to a halt overnight due to the threat of Covid-19, the most emblematic of French contemporary gallery owners candidly takes stock of his own situation and that of his colleagues. With lockdown over (for now), where do you stand? Emmanuel Perrotin. Having closed all of our six gallery spaces across the world, we are finally seeing the re-opening of select exhibitions, such as in Seoul with “Siblings” by Claire Tabouret, in Shanghai with a group show by our artists and in Paris with Jean-Philippe Delhomme, Gabriel Rico and the project “Restons unis” (Let’s Stay United), which brings 26 Parisian galleries together over two-week long sessions running until August fourteenth. How did lockdown unfold in the various countries in which you are present? E. P. It was difficult for everyone. Financial aid schemes…
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