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Discover the New Musée des Beaux-Arts in Draguignan

Published on , by Sophie Humann

After many years of renovation work, the Musée des Beaux-Arts in the former Var prefecture has reopened, showcasing the museum's collections, presented in a scenography that makes the most of its architectural heritage.

Half ceremonial armor owned by François de Montmorency (1530-1579), 16th century,... Discover the New Musée des Beaux-Arts in Draguignan

Half ceremonial armor owned by François de Montmorency (1530-1579), 16th century, damascened gilded ferrous alloy. © RMN - Grand Palais - Mathieu Rabeau

After five years of work, on November 16, the musée d’art et d’histoire (museum of art and history) in Draguignan reopened as the musée des beaux-arts. The transformation should have taken two years, but Covid, business failures and the war in Ukraine stretched it out to five. Since March, Yohan Rimaud, former conservator at the Besançon musée des beaux-arts et d’archéologie, succeeded Grégoire Hallé as head of the institution located in the former summer palace of the bishop of Fréjus from 1739 to 1766, Martin du Bellay. The museum has been entirely refurbished and redesigned to combine an interpretation of the site’s history with a reading of the collection and artistic movements. At first, it housed works seized during the French Revolution from châteaux in the Var region: those of the Vintimille family in Le Luc and the Valbelle family in Tourves. In the 19th century, the museum received objects from natural history, ethnology and archaeology cabinets, including Dr. Louis Gérard’s herbarium in 1834 and a collection of hummingbirds donated by diplomat Louis de Geofroy in 1865. During the Second Empire, the French State and other institutions, such…
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