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Missed Opportunities at the Louvre

Published on , by Vincent Noce

‘An object made for the Louvre’: in La Tribune de l’art journalist Alexandre Lafore summed up the general feeling about the cameo the French museum seeks to acquire by appealing to the generosity of the public. 

© Nicolas Bousser Missed Opportunities at the Louvre

© Nicolas Bousser

The costly acquisition of the cameo, which features Venus lounging in her shell, probably makes more sense than funding the trees in the Tuileries, for which the Louvre had also solicited donations from the public. This treasure is the missing lid of a bowl belonging to Louis XIV and Cardinal Mazarin that the Louvre preempted at Drouot in 1968. It was first mentioned in the cardinal’s 1661 post-mortem inventory as one of the most outstanding pieces in his cabinet of hard stones and listed…
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