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Luyckx: Decidedly Living Nature

Result EUR80,000
Published on , by Sophie Reyssat
Auction on 01 March 2020 - 00:00 (CET) - 1 ter, boulevard de la République - 92210 Saint-Cloud

Carstian Luyckx's brush gives eternal life to these 17th century flowers.

Carstian Luyckx (1623-1670), Garland of roses, carnations, orange blossoms, butterflies... Luyckx: Decidedly Living Nature

Carstian Luyckx (1623-1670), Garland of roses, carnations, orange blossoms, butterflies and insects, oak panel, two uncradled boards, signed "Cristian Luyckx F.", 49 x 38 cm.
Result: €80,000

Carstian Luyckx had an excellent teacher in the flower specialist Philip de Marlier, with whom he started out. He became a master in Antwerp in 1645 and his success attracted…
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Sunday 01 March 2020 - 00:00 (CET) - Live
1 ter, boulevard de la République - 92210 Saint-Cloud
Le Floc'h