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Louis XV’s Bedroom Chest of Drawers at Versailles

Published on , by Sophie Humann

London’s Wallace Collection has loaned the French chateau's Gaudreaus and Caffieri’s famous piece of furniture, which is back in its original place—a historic event.

Antoine-Robert Gaudreaus (1680–1746) and Jacques Caffieri (1678–1755), chest of drawers... Louis XV’s Bedroom Chest of Drawers at Versailles

Antoine-Robert Gaudreaus (1680–1746) and Jacques Caffieri (1678–1755), chest of drawers made for Louis XV’s bedroom in Versailles, London, Wallace Collection.
© Wallace Collection, London/Bridgeman Images

For the first time since the death of Louis XV in 1774, the chest of drawers that stood in his room at Versailles for 35 years will return to its original place in the king's apartment, at least for a little while. The precious piece of furniture, one of the 18 th century’s most famous, will be moved again to be featured in the château’s exhibition on Louis XV’s tastes and passions. The royal chest of drawers is on exceptional loan from the Wallace Collection, something that was previously impossible, as was the case for the Duc d'Aumale's collection at Chantilly . But the terms of the loan were relaxed somewhat in 2019 by mutual agreement between the trustees and the director of the British institution.…
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