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Lot n° 420

Marc-Marie, marquis de BOMBELLES (1744-1822) diplomat,...

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Marc-Marie, marquis de BOMBELLES (1744-1822) diplomat, he fought valiantly in the Emigration and was entrusted with important missions; after the death of his wife, he entered Holy Orders, became bishop of Ober-Glogau, and in 1819 bishop of Amiens. Interesting set of documents concerning his role in emigration, and the seizure of his papers. A. DOSSIER concerning the seizure of his papers in Oberglogau in 1808, and their restitution in 1816 by the duce of Feltre. General Pajol: P.A.S., November 10, 1808 (1 p. in-4); order to Captain Servan to arrest Bombelles and seize his papers. General Pajol: L.A.S., Oberglogau Nov. 15, 1808 (3 p. in-fol.), to Marshal Davout, Duke of Auerstedt, recounting the seizure of papers and his vain search for Bombelles. Procès-verbal de la saisie des papiers, November 15, 1808 (2 p. in-fol.). Colonel Servan: L.A.S. to Bombelles, November 5, 1814 (3 p. in-4), protesting royalism and denouncing the persecution of the Marquis under "the odious reign of the usurper". Duc de Feltre: L.S. to Bombelles, March 15, 1816 (1 p. in-4), handing over to him the papers that had been seized in 1808. Large envelope containing the papers seized and returned to Bombelles (Ministry of War wax seals), annotated by the Marquis de Bombelles: "Papiers saisis chez moi à Oberglogau en 1808 par ordre du maréchal Davout dans lesquelles se trouvent parmi des lettres de Mgr le Prince Condé et autres interessantes un billet de la main de Louis XVI et un morceau du gilet qu'il portoit en allant à la mort". B. 6 autograph minutes (except one) of letters by BOMBELLES, seized in 1808, and stamped by the Senate of Glogau (8 p. ½ in-fol., 4 p. in-4); all written from Brünn in 1799 and 1800. He protests against Buonaparte's dictatorship; he writes to Condé recalling his services to the royal cause; he asks to intervene on his behalf with Tsar Paul I; he recalls his services and friendship for England; "Route que pourroit prendre un corps de 4 à 5000 en se rendant de Lintz à Kuxhaven pour y trouver un embarquement préparé et combiné avec la marche de ce corps". C. 6 letters addressed to Bombelles, 1797-1807, seized from his papers (and sealed with wax). Letters from Furmas de Périès, the princesse douairière of Monaco, the duc d'Harcourt, the baron de Dominique, the comte de Damas, the comte du Cayla. Interesting letters on Emigration, the Émigrés army, the Prince de Condé, the Duc d'Enghien, etc. Attached are a L.S. from Maximilien-Joseph of Bavaria (Munich, January 6, 1814), 2 L.A.S. from Prince Charles of Lorraine, and two other letters, addressed to Bombelles.