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Gabriela and Mathieu Sismann: A Passion for Sculpture

Published on , by Stéphanie Pioda

In their 30-year career, Gabriela and Mathieu Sismann have become the go-to dealers in the antique sculpture market. In June, they are taking part in BRAFA, and, for the first time, in TEFAF Maastricht.

Photo: Christophe Fouin Gabriela and Mathieu Sismann: A Passion for Sculpture
Photo: Christophe Fouin
Did your move to Quai Voltaire in 2019 affect the way you work? Gabriela Sismann . We moved to Quai Voltaire right before the pandemic—unfortunately at just the wrong time for our business, which suffered enormously. We had not only to hold out, but also learn to develop the tools we had already incorporated into our way of working—video, the Internet, social media, etc. We were experienced in this respect, and I think that made us better prepared to deal with the shock. So it wasn't our new home that led us to work differently, but the health and economic context. More generally, the way people consume art has changed, as has the relationship with gallery owners and specialists. I don't want to say it has disappeared, because we still have intense, enriching exchanges, but it is less present than before. Mathieu Sismann . Although we have lost the spontaneous aspect of strollers wandering into the gallery—and this was already the case when we were in Rue de Beaune—we are getting customers back thanks to the Internet, social media, word of mouth and our…
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