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Art Price Index: Historicism in the 19th century

Published on , by Sophie Reyssat

Drawing inspiration from the past and reinterpreting it, craftsmen, artists and merchants created original works of art in the 19th century.

€33,020 Sèvres, c. 1846-1853. “Roman" jewelry box in hard porcelain and gilt bronze,... Art Price Index: Historicism in the 19th century
Sèvres, c. 1846-1853. “Roman" jewelry box in hard porcelain and gilt bronze, model designed by Ferdinand Régnier in 1845, 21 x 28.5 x 23.5 cm/8.26 x 11.02 x 9.05 in.
Paris, Hôtel Drouot, November 14, 2019. Beaussant Lefèvre & Associés OVV. M. Vandermeersch.
Henry Dasson and the Beurdeleys, father and son, followed by Paul Sormani, François Linke and many others... the cabinetmakers of the 19th century took great pleasure in copying the furniture and bronzes of the Ancien Régime, with particular emphasis on royal pieces. They demonstrated their expert craftsmanship by mimicking antique styles, symbols of excellence, in their quest for "modern" perfection.…
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